Press Releases

Kids’ reading can earn burgers


ROSEBURG, Ore. – Roseburg Public Library invites kids aged 4 through 12 to earn free burgers through reading for In-N-Out Burger’s “Cover to Cover Club.”

Now through Saturday, April 12, children can read five books or five hours/300 minutes to earn themselves a free hamburger or cheeseburger at In-N-Out. A Roseburg Public Library card is not required to participate.

“In-N-Out burgers are a great incentive to discover a new author, learn about a topic that interests you and read for fun,” said Roseburg Library Director Kris Wiley. “Schools are excited about this opportunity, and so are we.”

Parents and children can pick up reading logs at the library, 1409 NE Diamond Lake Blvd. School groups can email staff at and library staff will work through the details with a designated adult.

Children or their parents may count the number of books or minutes they read, or that parents or caregivers read to children. Reading logs should be returned to the library, where children will then pick up In-N-Out gift cards.

Kids can earn up to three burgers by reading and filling out reading logs.

Each time a milestone is reached, stop by the library’s front desk. Library staff distribute the gift cards, track the number of children participating and log the number of books or minutes read.

“Happy reading and eating!” said Wiley.

Roseburg library offers other ongoing activities for youth and adults this spring – from Storytime, Maker Space Time and Artist Explorations to Teen Programs, book groups and more. Check out library activities and programs on the library’s calendar.

Posted by RoseburgAdmin