The Parks & Recreation Commission currently has one (1) vacancy. Please click here to view the application.
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
City meetings have agendas that outline the topics of discussion for the meeting. At the meetings, minutes are taken to record the events of the meeting. Below is a listing of various meetings, commissions and committee's. If you are planning to attend or participate in a public meeting, please download and view the Public Participation Information Guide.
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Airport Commission
The Airport Commission meets at 3:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of every other month starting February in the Council Chambers at Roseburg City Hall to develop policies for future development of the Roseburg Regional Airport, including goals and objectives, prioritizing listing of capital improvements and financing. Click here for more information.
Budget Committee
The Budget Committee meets as needed, generally at 6:00 p.m. during the spring to review the proposed annual operating budget, any supplemental budgets and make recommendations to the City Council as to final budget approval. City residency is required. Click here for more information.
City Charter Review Committee
The Roseburg City Charter Review Committee meets at 4 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of every month to review the current City Charter and propose updates to the Roseburg City Council, which must approve amendments or changes before voters would be asked to weigh in on proposed amendments in a Special District Election in May 2023. This is a limited-duration committee expected to meet through December 2022 to update a charter established in 1982. Click here for more information.
Economic Development Commission
The Economic Development Commission meets at 3:30 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of January, April, July and October in the Council Chambers at Roseburg City Hall to encourage cooperation between public and private sectors to provide an effective community economic development and tourism programs. Click here for more information.
Historic Resource Review Commission
The Historic Resource Review Commission meets at 4:00 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month in the Council Chambers at Roseburg City Hall to study and make recommendation relating to regulatory controls and administrative procedures for the preservation, beautification and enhancement of the value of historic districts, buildings and sites. Click here for more information.
Homeless Commission
The Homeless Commission meets at 11:00 a.m. on the fourth Monday of the month in the Council Chambers at Roseburg City Hall to discuss and research current practices related to addressing the needs of the unhoused population. The Commission makes recommendations to the City Council, will review the terms and conditions for contracts and working relationships with private and public agencies regarding services for the unhoused, and receive and consider comments and suggestions from the general public and local businesses regarding homelessness. Click here for more information.
Library Commission
The Library Commission meets at 4:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month in the Ford Room at the Roseburg Public Library as an advisory commission to consider efficient operations of the library, review current trends and library related technology, develop and recommend long-range plans for library services, review terms and conditions for contracts and working relationships with private and public agencies, assist with annual reports and advocate for the library budget, events and programs. Inquiries regarding this Commission may be addressed to Library Director Kris Wiley (541) 492-7051. Click here for more information.
Parks and Recreation Commission
The Parks and Recreation Commission meets at 8:15 a.m. on the first Wednesday of the month in the Public Safety Center Umpqua Room at Roseburg City Hall to consider and prepare long and short-range operation and management programs for the park system, investigate means of economic operations, consider/evaluate rules for park usage, establish operation parameters for the Stewart Park Golf Course, including long range goals, maintenance standards, financing and capital improvement. Click here for more information.
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission meets at 7:00 p.m. on the first Monday of the month in the Council Chambers at Roseburg City Hall to consider long and short range land use development issues within the City and the Urban Growth Boundary. Click here for more information.
Public Works Commission
The Public Works Commission meets at 3:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of the month in the Council Chambers at Roseburg City Hall to provide long-range planning and financing of capital improvements including sidewalks, streets, lighting and storm drainage; considers rules governing operations of the water system and rate structure. Click here for more information.