
Nikki Messenger City Manager
The City Manager directs and coordinates the work of all City departments based upon the goals and objective established by the Mayor and City Council. Through the management team, the Manager directs and supervises all activities of the City departments to obtain the utmost efficiency, works under the general direction of the City Council which establishes policies and ordinances that the City Manager implements and administers. The Manager is responsible to the City Council for the planning, coordination and overall performance of the organization and the budget: assists the Council in carrying out its responsibilities by providing information and advice and by keeping the Council informed about the performance of City departments and represents the City to other agencies. To accomplish these responsibilities, the Administration Office also consists of the City Recorder Amy Nytes, Human Resources Director John VanWinkle, Communications Specialist Suzanne Hurt, and Management Assistants Autumn David and Grace Jelks.

Amy NytesCity Recorder
Amy Nytes is responsible for the management and retention of all City records, leases, contracts and agreements, legal and public notices, elections, business registrations, special permits and licenses, distribution and handling of all bids, assistance in property management and liens, ordinances and resolutions and serves as Clerk of the City Council.

John VanWinkleHuman Resources Director
John VanWinkle is responsible for formulation and administration of personnel rules and bargaining agreements, collective bargaining negotiations, workers compensation claims and program oversight, risk management, insurance purchasing and administration, benefits purchase and oversight, visitor and convention support, employee training and safety and assists with emergency operations planning.

Suzanne HurtCommunications Specialist
The Communications Specialist is responsible for implementing a comprehensive strategic communication plan, including media relations, website content, writing and designing print publications, managing the City’s social media efforts and electronic communications. Responsible for community engagement with citizens as well as internal systems that promote City employee communications.
Together we provide the following services:
ADA Program
Alarm Agent Permits
Business Registrations
Citizen Inquiries/Compliments
Citizen Complaints
City Elections
City Records, Contracts and Leases
Community Event Permits
Community Outreach
Employment Opportunities
General Administration
Human Resources
Legislative Program
Mayor and Council Support
Media Relations
Marijuana Dispensary Licenses
Press Releases
Property Management
Public Records Request
Risk Management (Liability & Workers Compensation)
Social Gaming Licenses
Special Event Permits
Special Licensing