Roseburg City Council
The Roseburg City Council normally meets at 7:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of the month in person in the City Hall Council Chambers.  In addition to the regularly scheduled Council meetings, Council members will generally spend time reviewing material in preparation for the meetings and attend additional meetings as well as talking and corresponding with constituents. As the elected legislative body of the City of Roseburg, the City Council has overall responsibility for the scope, direction and financing of City services.

The City Council establishes local law and policy that is administered and implemented through full-time staff under the Council-Manager form of government. The Council is also responsible for establishing land use policies and zoning regulations. Under this form of government, the City Council provides policy direction to the City Manager, who is responsible for administering City operations. In setting policy, the Council works closely with citizen advisory commissions and committees, considers staff information and recommendations, and receives comments from interested parties and the general public.

On January 13, 2020, the City Council adopted goals that will provide leadership and direction for Staff for the next one to three years.  Those goals are:

1.  Develop and implement policies to enhance housing opportunities.

2.  Implement transportation funding policies to meet identified community needs.

3.  Enhance community livability and public safety.

4.  Take a proactive role in community economic development and revitalization.

5.  Update and implement the City's Emergency Preparedness Plan.

6.  Explore strategies to address issues related to unhoused individuals within the community.

Elections, Terms and Wards
Roseburg is divided into four wards, with two Council members per ward. The Mayor, who presides at the Council meetings, is elected at large for a two-year term. Council members serve a four-year term with one Council position in each ward being up for election every two years. The Mayor and Council are non-salaried, volunteer positions, elected by citizens who live within the Roseburg City limits. The ward boundaries are denoted on this Ward Map.

Note: If you would like to contact the Councilor who represents your ward but are unsure about which Ward you reside in, please contact us at

Your City Council
There are 9 elected officials in the City of Roseburg: 8 Council members and 1 Mayor. These officials are a vital and dedicated part of the community that are open to positive change, willing to take well-thought-out risks, willing to partner in advancing and improving our community while reflecting our code of ethics.

Title / Ward Representative Contact Information
Larry Rich
Phone: (541) 673-9973
Term Expires: 12/31/2028
Ward One

Historic Resource Review Commission Chair

Katie Williams
Phone: 541-236-4879
Term Expires: 12/31/2028
Ward One
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Ward Two

Library Commission Chair
Andrea Zielinski
Phone: (541) 430-4054
Term Expires: 12/31/2028
Ward Two

Homeless Commission Chair
Shelley Briggs Loosley
Phone: (541) 784-6858
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Ward Three

Airport Commission Chair
Tom Michalek
Phone: (541) 817-9324
Term Expires: 12/31/2028
Ward Three

Public Works Commission Chair
Ellen Porter
Phone: (541) 643-1748
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
Ward Four

Economic Development Commission Chair

Zack Weiss
Phone: (541) 788-1900
Term Expires: 12/31/2028
Ward Four

Parks & Recreation Commission Chair
Ruth Smith
Phone: (541) 670-3188
Term Expires: 12/31/2026

The City Council Policy Manual was prepared by the City Recorder's Office in 2012 in an attempt to compile multiple policies, practices and guidelines adopted over the years by the City Council, most often by Council resolution.  In 2014, this Manual was combined with the Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual to accommodate the ease of accessing all City policies.

The Council exercises its legislative authority by adopting ordinances which in most cases, are codified into the Roseburg Municipal Code.  The Code provides not only the current laws and regulations imposed by the Council; it also provides a history of prior ordinances and notations as to when changes were made.  The Code may be found at Codes/Ordinances.

The Council's administrative authority is most commonly exercised through adoption of resolutions.  Council resolutions are considered "permanent", "essential" City records.  All original resolutions - from the very beginning of the City's incorporation - are contained within the City's record vault.  Prior to the production of this manual, the guidelines, rules and procedures established by these records have never been "codified" into any form of manual for easy reference.

To view the City Council and Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual, please click here.