Volunteer Program
Volunteer opportunities are available in a variety of departments within the City, including Police and Parks & Recreation. Below is a list of the primary types of activities that volunteers perform. However, feel free to contact us with other ideas also! To apply to be a volunteer please click HERE.
Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS): The City of Roseburg is currently not accepting applications for VIPS. The Police Department established the VIPS in 1994. The goal of the VIPS program is to augment the police department's service to the community and do it at little or no cost. VIPS members are typically retired members of the community who are interested in volunteering a few hours a week.
Commission Vacancies: Get more involved by serving your community on a City commission. City commission members are appointed by the City Council. A council member chairs each commission except for the Planning Commission. The Budget Committee consists of eight residents and all eight Council members, and is chaired by a resident.
The Parks & Recreation Commission currently has one (1) vacancy. Please click here to view the application.
The Planning Commission currently has one (1) vacancy. Please click here to view the application.
The Public Works Commission currently has two (2) vacancies. Please click here to view the application.
Informal Parks Volunteer: Serve in your favorite park removing litter as often as you wish, or help staff during weekdays planting flowers, pulling weeds, or assisting with other natural resource improvement activities.
Adopt-a-Park / Adopt-a-Trail: Organizations or individuals can formally "Adopt-a-Park" or "Adopt-a-Trail" and provide beautification throughout the parks, pathways, and nature trails.
Special Projects: Painting, carpentry, landscaping, and natural resource activities are a few of the areas for special projects. Have an idea for a City project? Run it by us and let's see what we can do together!
Volunteer Sponsor: Your company has an opportunity to support local volunteerism by providing funding for volunteer projects and / or volunteer recognition.
Recreation Program Volunteers: We'd love to have your help with the set-up and/or take-down of equipment at community events such as "Movies in the Park". Or, share your knowledge and skills by teaching a class.
To find out how to be a volunteer or more about any of the above listed opportunities please view the City of Roseburg Volunteer Program Manual or contact the Parks and Recreation Program Coordinator at 541-492-6899.