This commission currently has no vacancies.
To view all commission vacancies, click here.

Budget Committee
The Budget Committee meets as needed, generally at 6:00 p.m. during the spring to review the proposed annual operating budget, any supplemental budgets and make recommendations to the City Council as to final budget approval. City residency is required. Inquiries regarding this Committee may be directed to Finance Director Ron Harker at 541-492-6710.

Click HERE to watch commission meeting videos

Citizen Members

Chair: Mike Baker
Vice Chair: Vacant
Stephen Krimetz
Mandy Elder
Alex Alonso Jerry Smead
Bryan Sykes
Jeffrey Weller
Council Members

Shelley Briggs Loosley
Tom Michalek
Ellen Porter
Zack Weiss
Kylee Rummel
Katie Williams
Ruth Smith
Andrea Zielinski

Meeting Agendas

2025 Meeting

2024 Meeting
Current Budget Meeting Agenda - May 7, 2024 / Department Budget PowerPoint Presentation
2024-2025 Proposed Budget 
Public Notices:
2024 Notice of Budget Committee Meeting and Public Hearing
Roseburg Urban Renewal Agency Notice of Budget Committee Meeting 

2023 Meeting
Current Budget Meeting Agenda - May 9, 2023 / Department Budget PowerPoint Presentation
2023-2024 Proposed Budget
Public Notices: 
2023 Notice of Budget Committee Meeting and Public Hearing
Roseburg Urban Renewal Agency Notice of Budget Committee Meeting

2022 Meeting
Current Budget Meeting - May 10, 2022 / Department Budget PowerPoint Presentation
Public Notices:
2022 Notice of Budget Committee Meeting and Public Hearing 
Roseburg Urban Renewal Agency Notice of Budget Committee Meeting

Meeting Public Input
Citizens may speak on any item on the agenda, unless a public hearing where comments have been taken and the hearing has closed.

Comments may be provided in one of three ways:

In person during the meeting in the Council Chambers, Roseburg City Hall, 900 SE Douglas Ave.

  • Email by sending an email by 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting to
  • Virtually during the meeting. Contact the City Recorder by phone (541) 492-6866 or email ( by 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting to get a link to the meeting. 

Provide your name, address, phone number and which item on the agenda you wish to speak. 

When participating virtually, log or call in prior to the start of the meeting using the link or phone number provided.

  • When accessing the meeting through the ZOOM link, click “Join Webinar” to join the meeting as an attendee.
  • When accessing the meeting through the phone, call the number provided.
  • All attendees will be held in a “waiting room” until called on to speak.

 Persons addressing the Budget Committee must state their name and address for the record, including whether or not they are a resident of the City of Roseburg. All remarks shall be directed to the entire Committee. The Committee reserves the right to delay any action requested until they are fully informed on the matter.

With the exception of public hearings, each speaker will be allotted a total of 6 minutes. At the 4-minute mark, a warning bell will sound at which point the Chair will remind the speaker there are only 2 minutes left. All testimony given shall be new and not have been previously presented to the Budget Committee.

A total of 30 minutes shall be allocated for the “Audience Participation” portion of the meeting. 


  • Anyone wishing to speak regarding an item on the agenda may do so when the Committee addresses that item.
  • Anyone wishing to speak regarding an item on the Consent Agenda, or on a matter not on the evening’s agenda, may do so under “Audience Participation.”

For each item in which speakers have requested to speak, the order will be as follows:

  1. Speakers who attend in person will be called up to speak by the Chair in the order in which they signed up.
  2. Speakers on Zoom (video or phone only) will be called on to speak by the Chair in the order in which they signed up. Each speaker will be brought in from the “waiting room”’ into the meeting to provide comments, then moved back to the “waiting room” after comments are provided.
  3. Emailed comments to be read by the Chair

2020 Meetings
May 12, 2020 /  Department Budget Power Point Presentation 

2019 Meetings
May 14, 2019
May 7, 2019

2018 Meetings
May 15, 2018
May 1, 2018