Press Releases

Library material purchases are fun challenge


ROSEBURG, Ore. – Roseburg Public Library patrons have made it clear they want staff to purchase the newest, hottest books for their reading enjoyment.

This is especially true for adult readers. Currently, the library has 1,450 books on the “new titles” shelves -- meaning they have been added to the collection in the past year -- and one-third of those are checked out at any given time.

Mysteries are incredibly popular with 48% of the newest additions currently checked out. Also checked out are 38% of large print, 33% of general fiction and 27% of nonfiction.

That kind of interest means Library Director Kris Wiley spends most of her collection development efforts curating new books.

The easy part is purchasing the blockbusters, Wiley shares.

“For example, ‘Toxic Prey,’ John Sandford’s latest book in the Lucas Davenport series, was a gimme. We purchased two copies for the collection, and our borrowing partner at Mildred Whipple Library in Drain purchased one for their collection,” she explained. “All three copies are checked out, and Roseburg has a waiting list of five patrons.”

Wiley typically purchases an additional copy of a title when there are at least five holds; sometimes that second copy is large print. That ratio is comparable to what she sees at Multnomah County and Eugene Public libraries.

The 5:1 ratio also is what she uses to purchase an extra electronic book or audiobook title for the library’s OverDrive (Libby) online platform.

The library’s other ebook product, cloudLibrary, works a bit different because patrons are not able to place holds on many of the titles. Rather, the platform is more “what you see is what you get.” Therefore, Wiley encourages users to check cloudLibrary often.

“It’s always a treat to see a brand-new title ready for reading, and that happens regularly,” she added.  

Wiley finds the more challenging and rewarding part of collection development is selecting beyond bestseller lists.

Currently, she is focused on developing the consumer health section. Staff withdrew a number of items that were outdated and unused, and Wiley is replenishing the area with up-to-date books based on what has circulated over the past five years.

She also keeps a close eye on the library’s mystery section because it’s so popular. Wiley enjoys maintaining long-running series such as James Patterson’s “Women’s Murder Club” and Harlan Coben’s “Myron Bolitar.” Wiley loves introducing readers to authors such as Alisa Lynn Valdés and Danielle Arceneaux.

Wiley also focuses on Pacific Northwest authors and subjects, particularly travel and recreation. Books on backpacking, hiking and road trips circulate frequently.

If patrons do not see an item available in print or digital format, Wiley encourages them to submit a request form either in person or through their account at Library staff reviews all requests and tends to fulfill requests when items are newly published and fill a gap in the collection.

Want to know more about collection development? Stop in and visit with library staff or email with your questions.

“Happy reading!” Wiley added.

Posted by RoseburgAdmin