Press Releases
Late Summer Photo Contest kicks off

ROSEBURG, OR – The City of Roseburg invites you to enter the City Connection Late Summer Photo Contest!
Show how beautiful, awesome, inspiring, intriguing, industrious or just downright funny Roseburg can be – and possibly get your photo featured in the October City Connection e-newsletter.
Anyone living in the Roseburg area is eligible to submit one photo taken in the Roseburg area depicting late summer. To be considered, please submit one JPEG photo, less than 5MB, illustrating late summer, August 1 through Sept. 21. The deadline to enter is Friday, Oct. 1, 2021.
The top three to five entries will be featured in the October e-newsletter. The City is hoping to see a diversity of perspectives and submissions. The City reserves the right to post additional entries and to not display a photo deemed inappropriate.
If you haven’t already signed up to get the online City Connection e-newsletter emailed right to your inbox, click here.
You can submit a photo here.
Photo Contest Rules
WHO: Anyone living in the Roseburg area or considered to have a Roseburg address
WHAT: ONE photo entry per person. Additional photos will not be considered. Please submit one JPEG photo, less than 5MB, illustrating late summer, August 1 through Sept. 21, and taken in the Roseburg area (anywhere considered to have a Roseburg address, but not limited to within city limits).
HOW: Fill out this form, upload a JPEG photo less than 5MB using this link and click “submit.”
DEADLINE: Friday, Oct. 1, 2021
Posted by RoseburgAdmin