Press Releases
Public Works Commission applicants sought

NOTE: This release corrects previous versions dated 2-3-22 and 1-12-22 that contained inaccurate information about residency requirements for this vacancy, which must be filled by someone who owns property or a business within Roseburg’s urban services boundary.
ROSEBURG, OR – The City of Roseburg is taking applications from people who’d like to volunteer to serve on the Roseburg Public Works Commission.
Applications are due by Friday, Feb. 11, at 5 p.m. This particular vacancy must be filled by someone who owns property or a business within Roseburg’s urban services boundary, which includes all land served by the City’s water system. Residency requirements are different for each commission and may vary between seats on the same commission.
The commission provides responsive community services involving planning, design, construction, operation, maintenance and management of public infrastructure such as the airport, public buildings, streets, the stormwater system, parks and other facilities. The commission considers rules governing operations of the water system and its rate structure, and provides long-range planning and strategies for financing of capital improvements including sidewalks, streets, lighting and storm drainage.
The Public Works Commission meets electronically via Zoom at 3:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month.
The current vacancy arose after Commissioner Vern Munion resigned due to challenges involving electronic meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Munion served from Jan. 14, 2014, until Dec. 13, 2021.
The person appointed to fill this vacancy would fulfill the current term and thus serve until Dec. 31, 2022.
The commission chair or mayor may contact candidates to discuss applications.
For more information about serving on the commission, please contact the Public Works Department at 541-492-6730.
To apply, please visit the Roseburg Public Works Commission webpage, use this link or email
Please email completed applications to Residents can also pick up applications by visiting City Hall, 900 S.E. Douglas Ave. in Roseburg and then mail applications to that address or drop applications off at the City Hall lobby.
Posted by RoseburgAdmin