Press Releases
Facts Matter in Roseburg

ROSEBURG -- Are you wondering where you can get the facts about City projects, plans, decisions, events and upcoming meetings?
The City of Roseburg has a website,, where you can find accurate information about issues currently facing the city.
There, you will find City press releases by clicking on the “Latest News” button on our homepage.
Or you can look for “News” under the “Quick Links” tab in the navigation menu at the top of the website.
You can also check out our “News Videos” from twice-weekly tapings with local TV station KMTR under the “Quick Links” tab.
Another way to get the facts and accurate City news is to sign up for the e-newsletter, the City Connection.
Got more questions?
You can always email or call the City of Roseburg and talk with someone Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. or 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
City of Roseburg Contact Info
Roseburg City Hall’s main number: 541-492-6700.
Roseburg City Hall Administration: or 541-492-6866.
Roseburg Community Development Department: or 541-492-6750.
Roseburg Finance Department: or 541-492-6710.
Roseburg Fire Department (non-emergency): or 541-492-6770.
Roseburg Parks and Recreation: or 541-492-6730
Roseburg Police Department (non-emergency): or 541-492-6760.
Roseburg Public Library: or 541-492-7050.
Roseburg Public Works: or 541-492-6730.
Municipal Court: or 541-492-6720.
Posted by RoseburgAdmin