Press Releases
Intersection to close for film shoot simulating crash aftermath

ROSEBURG, OR – An intersection in northwest Roseburg’s Hucrest neighborhood will be closed for several hours Sunday afternoon for a local movie shoot simulating the aftermath of a car crash.
Actors may yell, appear bloody and show other signs of mild gore thanks to makeup applied for filming a scene in the movie “Death with Dignity” being shot by Spiderking Studios of Douglas County, said studio Chief Executive Officer Jake Tranter, who is coordinating the event.
The intersection of Northwest Kline Street and Northwest Moore Avenue next to Hucrest Elementary School will be barricaded and closed for the filming from about noon or 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 12, according to the permit application. Small sections of Kline Street and Moore Avenue just before the intersection also will be closed, but homeowners’ driveways will not be blocked.
Crew members will stand at each barricade to direct traffic. Fliers will be delivered to notify neighbors of the closure, according to the application.
No crashes or stunts will be performed. There won’t be any vehicles staged in the intersection to appear as though they crashed.
The movie, which is being shot on location at various places in Douglas County, is about a thrill-seeking regular guy named Tyler who hires a hit man to come after him as a cure for boredom.
“Tyler, bored with his mundane life, decides he needs a thrilling adventure,” Tranter said. “He places a hit on himself to test his limits, not knowing whether he made the worst decision of his life or not. He plays a game of cat and mouse with a hit man, which may have turned out to be the exact thrill he needed.”
The City approved an outdoor event permit for the film shoot.
Posted by RoseburgAdmin