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Press Releases

Masks required at all City buildings


ROSEBURG, OR – Roseburg City officials are asking residents to limit City Hall visits and wear masks inside City buildings after the Oregon Health Authority began recommending universal mask use for all public indoor settings this week.

“This is not the news that we want to hear, but as an organization, we have committed to following the guidance from the beginning, and we plan to continue,” City Manager Nikki Messenger said.

Roseburg Public Library patrons are asked to resume wearing masks at all times starting Thursday, July 29. While Messenger asked residents to do as much business with the City as possible online or by phone or email, visitors to City Hall, the Public Safety Center and other City buildings will be asked to wear masks beginning Monday, August 2.

Visitors’ access to City Hall will be limited to the lobby and Council Chamber, and masks will be made available for anyone not wearing one. In addition, city employees will be required to wear masks inside buildings or in vehicles carrying at least two people starting Monday.

The increased restrictions are a safety precaution meant to protect City residents and employees as the number of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations surged this week in Douglas County and throughout the state.

For now, Roseburg commission meetings will continue to be held virtually via Zoom and shown online via Facebook Live. A decision regarding in-person City Council meetings is expected to be made next week.

Residents are encouraged to do business online, or by phone or email:

• Administration: or 541-492-6866;

• Community Development: or 541-492-6750;

• Finance: or 541-492-6710;

• Fire Department: or 541-492-6770

• Municipal Court: or 541-492-6720;

• Parks and Recreation: or 541-492-6730;

• Public Works: or 541-492-6730

Posted by RoseburgAdmin