Press Releases
Commissions resume in-person meetings

ROSEBURG, Ore. – Most Roseburg commissions will return to in-person meetings in June, City Recorder Amy Sowa announced recently.
All City commissions except the Roseburg Public Works Commission will resume meeting in person this month – starting with the Historic Resource Review Commission, which meets Wednesday, June 15. The Planning Commission began meeting in person again in May. The Public Works Commission won’t return to in-person meetings until at least August.
Commission meetings will be shown live via the City’s Facebook page. People who’d like to make public comments before a commission have the option of commenting in person or via Zoom. Commissioners who are unable to attend a meeting in person also have the option of taking part via Zoom when needed.
Some commission meeting places have changed. Roseburg commissions or committees will now follow this meeting schedule:
• Airport Commission: Third Thursdays, 3:30 p.m., only in even months (Council Chambers);
• City Charter Review Committee: Fourth Wednesdays, 4 p.m. (Council Chambers/Backup: Library’s Ford Room);
• Economic Development Commission: Second Tuesdays, 3:30 p.m., quarterly -- January, April, July and October (Library’s Deer Creek Room);
• Historic Resource Review Commission: Third Wednesdays, 4 p.m. (Council Chambers/Backup: Library’s Ford Room);
• Homeless Commission: Fourth Mondays, 11 a.m. (Council Chambers);
• Library Commission: Third Tuesdays, 4 p.m. (Library’s Ford Room);
• Parks and Recreation Commission: First Wednesdays, 8:15 a.m. (Library’s Ford Room);
• Planning Commission: First Mondays, 7 p.m. (Council Chambers);
• Public Works Commission: Second Thursdays, 3:30 p.m. (via Zoom until at least August, then Council Chambers).
For the City Charter Review Committee and Historic Resource Review Committee, which will use the Library’s Ford Room only as a backup to meeting in the Council chamber, City staff will check with the Municipal Court before a meeting agenda goes out to see if a jury trial is scheduled that will conflict with a meeting in the Council chamber. If there’s no conflict, the meeting will be scheduled in the Council chamber, but a trial could be scheduled up to 24 hours before the trial date. If that happens, the City will send out a notice that the commission meeting has been changed to the Library’s Ford Room.
For more information, contact the City Recorder’s office at or 541-492-6700.
Posted by RoseburgAdmin