Press Releases

Summer reading prep at Roseburg library


ROSEBURG, Ore. – Roseburg Public Library is two months away from the start of the Summer Reading Program, and staff are busy planning a fun and meaningful 12-week schedule.

At this time, Library Director Kris Wiley is asking adults to decide the type of incentive program in which they prefer to participate. To vote, visit the library’s website at and click on “SRP for Adults Survey,” email your feedback to, or stop into the library for a paper copy of the survey. Responses are required by Saturday, April 12.

“Participants have three options from which to choose, and I will let folks know the winner in mid-May,” Wiley said.

The first choice involves “prompts,” which the library has offered for the past several years. In that version, participants are invited to read or listen to books that fit 30 preset categories. There have been seven opportunities to read “a book of your choice” to give readers flexibility and specific prompts for more targeted reading. Past examples include “a book exploring a topic you’re curious about” and “a book from the 800 section of the Dewey Decimal System.” For each category completed, readers are entered into a random grand prize drawing.

Second, you may choose countries. In this version, participants must read books set in different countries of the world or written by an author from the country. Each unique country logged will be one entry in a random grand-prize drawing. There are nearly 200 countries, which is an amazing number of options.

Third, you may choose to log minutes. In this version, which mirrors the youth Summer Reading Program, participants log the number of minutes spent reading. When you reach 2,700 minutes – that’s 45 hours – you have completed the program, and you will be entered into a random grand-prize drawing.

Book reviews for local gift card prizes were such a hit last summer they will come back this year. Each review corresponds to one entry, and readers will indicate which gift card drawing they wish to enter. Staff also will be giving away free books all summer long to participants.

Throughout April, Wiley invites adult patrons to submit book recommendations for the library’s “Patron Picks” display. Readers should pick up a “Patron Picks” form at the front desk or go to the library’s website and click on the link titled “Patron Pick form.” Completed forms may be returned in person or by email to will be eligible to win a $25 gift card to a local store.

“Happy reading!” Wiley said.

Posted by RoseburgAdmin