Check out the Emergency Preparedness Resources.        

Meeting Rooms

Library staff will respond to meeting room requests within 5 working days (Tuesday-Saturday).

Roseburg Public Library provides six meeting rooms for public use. To reserve a room, follow this procedure:

1. Review the Meeting Room Policy & Application, which includes fees.
2. Review room descriptions.
3. Click the Check availability link to choose a date/time. Library, Friends of the Library, and the Douglas ESD have priority use. Others are provided space on a first-come, first-served basis.
4. Complete and submit a Meeting Room Policy & Application (one form may be used for multiple dates).
5. All applications must be emailed to
5. Library staff will review and respond to each request by email or phone. Rooms are not confirmed until staff responds.

Ford Room

Capacity: 104 people
Available for public rental at any time.

Check availability.

Deer Creek Room

Capacity: 80 people
Available for public rental during open library hours only.

Check availability.

South Umpqua Room

Capacity: 60 people
Available for public rental during open library hours only.

Check availability.

Multipurpose Room #1 (Room 117)

Capacity: 9 people
Available for use during open library hours only.

Check availability.

Multipurpose Room #2 (Room 120)

Capacity: 9 people
Available for use during open library hours only.

Check availability.

Study Room (Room 118)

Capacity: 6 people
Available first come, first served during open library hours only.

For additional information, contact the library by email at or phone at 541-492-7050.