Repurpose and Upcycle for Resourceful Living 
Transform your stuff into treasure with creative reuse or “upcycling” of common household items. That may take a change in mindset, but a little resourcefulness and ingenuity will allow you to think up ways to repurpose something you might otherwise toss out.
Here are a few inspiring ideas for repurposing what you already have:
Turn old sheets, towels and clothing into cleaning rags.
Use glass jars for kitchen, garage or shed storage; to hold cotton balls or swabs, toothbrushes or makeup brushes in the bathroom; or to make water candles.
Use an old toothbrush for cleaning hard-to-reach spots or items such as drains or tile grout.
Use mesh produce bags as pot scrubbers or yarn holders.
Cereal box liner bags can be used to wrap bread or rolls, save leftovers or crush up crackers or nuts because they’re thicker than regular ziplock bags.
Refrigerate butter wrappers, then use them to grease baking pans.
Old colanders or cheese graters can be used as hanging planters.
Use disposable razors to remove pills from sweaters, scarves, etc.
Use old egg cartons to protect small Christmas ornaments, nuts and bolts or even buttons.
Use tissue boxes with tops cut off as drawer dividers or a trash bin for your car.
Turn an empty two-litre soda pop bottle into a planter for herbs and flowers by cutting off the top two-thirds.
Glass bottles can be turned into soap dispensers if you stick a pump into the top.
Plastic milk jugs can protect seedlings from frost if you cut off the bottom and set the jug over a seedling – creating a tiny greenhouse. Removing the cap allows you to control temperature and humidity.
An old sock or one missing its mate can be used for dusting (such as blinds or ceiling fan blades) or washing your car.
Use an old drawer as a planter, wall shelf or under-bed storage.
An old screen door or crib can become a garden trellis.
Old silverware can be made into a windchime or used as drawer pulls or hooks.
Build a garden border using upside-down wine bottles buried part way into the ground.
Old cupcake pans can do double-duty as drawer organizers.
Old climbing ropes can be turned into rope rugs.
Make cleaning products using household items such as vinegar, baking soda and lemon juice.