Vehicle For Hire and Taxi Information

Taxi Company is a business operating one or more vehicles for hire, regardless of the legal form of the entity and regardless of whether the taxis so operated are owned by the company, leased, or owned by individual members of an entity.  Taxi companies do not include Transportation Network Companies.

Transportation Network Company (TNC) is a company that operates or facilitates a transportation network using an internet-enabled technology application service, website or system to connect passengers to TNC affiliated drivers who provide prearranged rides in TNC vehicles for hire.

Vehicle for Hire is any motor vehicle used for the ground transportation of passengers for compensation within the City, including taxis, limousines and transportation network vehicles. The following vehicles shall not be considered as vehicles for hire for the purposes of this Chapter, and are forbidden from operating as a taxi, limousine, or transportation network vehicle: property delivery vehicles used for delivering property exclusive of passenger transportation; shuttle vehicles and buses used for providing passenger transportation over a fixed route and time schedule; courtesy vehicles used by a hotel, motel, car rental company, residential home, parking facility, or other business to transport that business' clients when transportation is secondary to the business' primary purpose and the transportation is free or contained in the general overhead of the business; ambulances equipped and staffed so as to be capable of providing emergency medical services in conjunction with passenger transportation; volunteer-driven vehicles operated by a driver who is reimbursed for basic mileage expenses and who does not receive wages, salary, or other compensation; and non-motorized vehicles such as horse-drawn buggies

To review the Ordinance, please click here.

Vehicle For Hire Driver Permit Application
Vehicle For Hire Operator's License Application
Replacement Vehicle Notification Form
Vehicle Safety Inspection Form

Vehicle For Hire Driver Instructions

1. Transportation Network Company (TNC) Drivers Only – you must first register and be approved to drive with the TNC.

2. Complete Vehicle for Hire Driver Application

a. Download application from City Website; or

b. Come to the office for an application; or

c. Call to have our office email an application to you

3. Submit a wallet or passport size picture. Passport pictures can be taken at Walgreens, Walmart or any other business offering passport photo services. The picture needs to be in color and a face shot only, not body, without anything obstructing the view of your appearance such as a hat. You may take and print your own picture if you choose as long as the print size is passport or wallet size or a standard print that can be cut to fit on the permit.

4. You will be notified when the application is approved. At that time, bring in the photo to be used on the permit, unless you have already left it with the application. The permit will have your photo attached, staff signature and then laminated.

5. You will receive the laminated permit with your approved application. Display your permit in customer view when driving during your shift for the Taxi or Transportation Network Company.

6. Permits are valid per calendar year and must be renewed by the end of December or before your first shift in January.

Please do not hesitate to call, come in or email the office if you have questions.

Phone: 541-492-6866 Email: