Press Releases
City takes Planning Commission applications
The City of Roseburg is taking applications from people who’d like to serve on the Roseburg Planning Commission.
Fire Department to issue spring burn permits
The Roseburg Fire Department will issue residential burn permits Friday, April 15, through Sunday, May 15.
Reduce fire risk from grass and weeds
As fire season nears, the City urges property owners to keep all grasses and weeds under 12" -- especially with Roseburg in severe drought.
City Council to meet in person Monday
The City Council returns to in-person meetings Monday, April 11, after most COVID-19 restrictions have ended.
Alison Eggers to resign from City Council
City Councilor Alison Eggers has announced she’s resigning from the Roseburg City Council on Monday, April 11.
“U Drive. U Text. U Pay.” campaign
Roseburg Police are teaming up with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for the national “U Drive. U Text. U Pay.” high-visibility enforcement effort Thursday, April 7, through Monday, April 11.
Replacing lost library materials
Roseburg Public Library Director Kris Wiley says circulation of library materials involves a delicate balance among patrons, staff and volunteers. Learn what happens when something disappears.
Commercial Structure Fire 610 W. Luellen Dr
Damage was contained to the garbage can and the exterior siding of the structure.
Beware phishing emails threatening shutoffs
City officials urge residents and businesses to beware of a phishing email scam being sent out Tuesday, April 5, purportedly from the City.
Library, Audubon to host “Dark Skies” talk
Roseburg Public Library and the Umpqua Valley Audubon Society will host a Facebook Live nature program, “Dark Skies,” Thursday, April 14.