Roseburg residents are invited to witness the Oath of Office ceremony being administered to recently elected or appointed City officials on Tuesday, Jan. 3.
Roseburg Police and other law enforcement “elves” helped kids “Shop with a Cop” during a holiday shopping spree funded by a family and a nonprofit whose Roseburg roots stretch back more than 20 years.
The Roseburg Warming Center will be open an extra night this week, offering overnight shelter to unhoused people through Saturday, Dec. 17, then seeking wash day volunteers on Sunday.
City of Roseburg buildings will be closed Friday, Dec. 23, and Monday, Dec. 26, for the Christmas holiday. The library will be closed on Christmas Eve, Saturday, Dec. 24.
Some new faces are joining the Roseburg City Council following the recent election as well as an appointment Monday night, while two retiring Councilors are being recognized for their service.
A new Roseburg Sesquicentennial painting commemorating the city’s 150th birthday will be unveiled to the public at the Roseburg City Council meeting Monday, Dec. 12.