Press Releases
Only rain down storm drains
Please remember as you rake fallen leaves, tend your garden or work on your car: We need your help to ensure only rain goes down stormwater drains.
City Council applications sought until Nov. 4
The City of Roseburg is taking applications to fill a City Council vacancy after Councilor Sheri Moothart resigned Monday, Oct. 3. Applications are due by 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 4.
Public Works Commission applications sought
The City is taking applications from people who want to volunteer on the Roseburg Public Works Commission. Applications are due by 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 28.
Roseburg General Election voters’ information now available
Roseburg residents can learn about candidates and a psilocybin ballot measure that will be on the Tuesday, Nov. 8, election ballot -- plus how to register to vote or vote by mail – in a voters’ pamphlet now available.
Share and preserve Roseburg 150 photos!
As Roseburg prepares to turn 150 years old Monday, Oct. 3, the City invites everyone celebrating at Roseburg 150 Sesquicentennial events throughout October to share your photos and help preserve memories.
Amy Sowa named ‘Recorder of the Year’
Roseburg Assistant City Manager/City Recorder Amy Sowa was named ‘2022 Recorder of the Year’ Thursday, Sept. 29, by the Oregon Association of Municipal Recorders.
Library to stream visit with thriller writer
Roseburg Library will host a Facebook Live streaming event with Glen Erik Hamilton, author of the Van Shaw crime thriller series set in the Pacific Northwest, at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 6.
Fir Grove Park play area closing briefly
The play structure at Fir Grove Park will be closed through 5 p.m. Wednesday for maintenance. The City and Public Works Department appreciate residents’ understanding and patience.
Artists sought for ‘Tapes-Trees in the Park’
The work of local fiber artists will get a place in the sun next summer, thanks to a colorful art project that will turn Fir Grove Park trees into an arboreal art gallery.
Inspection to close “Green Bridge” next week
Stewart Park Drive Bridge, aka the "Green Bridge," will be closed to vehicle traffic during inspection work from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20, and Wednesday, Sept. 21.